In this Forbes article, writer Dan Schawbel interviews Anthony DeRosa, the social media editor at Reuters. Topics include the impact of social media on the modern job scene, issues with services like Twitter and Facebook, and how these programs impacted DeRosa’s career trajectory specifically.

One thing I found peculiar – and this might be attributable to the fact that I’m part of the generation who grew up with social media – is that the interview didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. Yes, social media is ubiquitous. Yes, it’s a now a primary source of news. Yes, it has generated thousands of jobs. It seems to me that this interview was conducted specifically with Forbes’ target audience in mind – old, rich business people who can’t handle an iPhone.

DeRosa’s words highlight, italicize, and bold the problem for the reader: social media is great, but only if you know how to use it. I’ve follow several companies on Twitter that never Tweet. And then I follow some companies that tweet every hour. Not just about their products, but about sales, tech support, and general happenings. Microsoft’s “tweet fleet,” for example, absolutely will respond to your questions assuming they’re not laced with profanity. It’s this sort of service that earns and builds brand loyalty. I wish informed people like Schawbel and DeRosa would hammer this point home more often.